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 You can find information about a company through various methods and sources, both online and offline. Here are some common ways to gather information about a company:

1. **Company Website:** Most companies have an official website where they provide information about their products, services, history, mission, and contact details. Start by visiting the company's website.

2. **Online Search:** Youtube 

3. **Business Directories:**  Manufrctural 

4. **Annual Reports:**  Our Worker 100 People

5. **News and Media:** Look for news articles, interviews, and press releases related to the company. News outlets, business publications, and industry-specific websites often cover company-related news.

6. **Social Media:** Companies often have active social media profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These profiles can provide insights into their culture, activities, and announcements.

7. **Stock Exchanges:** For publicly traded companies, you can find financial information, stock prices, and regulatory filings on stock exchange websites (e.g., NYSE, NASDAQ).

8. **Trade Associations:** If the company is a member of a trade association or industry group, you may find information about them on the association's website.

9. **Company Reviews:** Websites like Glassdoor and Indeed allow current and former employees to leave reviews about their experiences working for the company.

10. **Government Databases:** Some countries maintain business registries or databases where you can find information about registered companies, including their legal structure, registered address, and key personnel.

11. **Competitor Analysis Tools:** There are various paid tools and services that provide in-depth information about companies, including their financial performance, market share, and competitors.

12. **Networking:** If you have professional contacts in the industry or within the company, they may be able to provide you with valuable insights and information.

Remember that the availability of information may vary depending on the size and type of the company, as well as its location and industry. Always verify information from multiple sources when conducting research about a company.
